New York City Mayor celebrates Diwali with Hindu community in America.

Entertainment News

On Wednesday, Diwali was celebrated with the people of Hindu community, Mayor Eric Adams at the People’s House in New York City. The festival was celebrated by Eric Adams as a reminder of dispelling darkness and bringing light to the fairies and again shedding light on the reality level of Diwali.

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Expressing his happiness after the celebration, the NYC Mayor took to the It’s a reminder to all of us that we must remove darkness and bring light wherever we find it. And he says he takes great pride in standing with the Hindu community and what he was doing last night at a People’s House. Welcomed for special Diwali celebration.

And then Eric declared Diwali a school holiday in NYC in June

In June, after declaring a school holiday in New York City for the Hindi festival Diwali, Eric Adams. This festival will be celebrated on the biggest scale in New York to commemorate the victory of light over darkness. The announcement came after state lawmakers recently enacted a law declaring a holiday in America’s largest school system.

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He told that this announcement is a big victory for the local families. Eric Adams is said to have appreciated the move of the lawmakers in the Raj to declare a holiday on Diwali in America’s largest school system.

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